Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Does A Doctor Do When A Kidney Transplant Is Rejected Why Do You Think Ppl Go To Other Countries For Kidney Transplant?

Why do you think ppl go to other countries for kidney transplant? - what does a doctor do when a kidney transplant is rejected

Why do you think people will be outside the United States for an organ transplant? when the doctor told them they said, they are not eligible for a transplant. and if they can refuse your body it.what the reason some'll go have done to other countries?


LORI said...

Many people do it because they think they will do better and healthier, even though the doctor said no. So many people are not on the list for organ transplants may reject for minor reasons or because they are too sick. Perhaps the foreign transplant is their only hope?

The reason I'm into other countries because in these countries, there are people who are poor enough to respond to health risks and to sell their organs for rich foreigners to help their families. Moreover, there are doctors or other health professionals, etc., that result without taking into account both the transplant ethics of the situation.
In the U.S. we have a very strict system that regulates organ transplantation and in theMUST receive.

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